Financial Services

We offer a wide variety of financial services to help build your financial security and grow your wealth.


Manage risk and protect the financial security of you and the people you care about.

Group Benefits

Protect your employees, and provide tax efficient compensation.

Wealth Management

Put your money to work for you with smarter asset management.


By offering you and your employees Health Benefits, you can protect your employees, protect your business, maintain productivity, attract and retain key talent, and provide tax efficient compensation.

Businesses Currently Without a Plan:

A&P Blueprint Group will help select the right insurance carrier and implement a customized plan within your needs and budget. We go to market and request quotes from all insurance carriers, comparing the benefits and rates. Thereafter, we ensure the implementation of these industry competitive packages, effectively attracting and retaining key employees. Our templates and unique service model minimize year-round plan administration, and provide for quick resolution to claims and billing issues.

Businesses Currrently With a Plan:

A&P Blueprint Group will conduct a plan audit and review set-up, eligibility, and plan design to ensure it is compliant with CRA and insurance carrier guidelines – thus minimizing potential liability. After this process we take the plan to market, requesting quotes from all insurance carriers. Often, without a change in insurance carrier or benefits, we are able to generate significant savings for most organizations. Furthermore, if you choose to proceed with us, we take care of your plan administration moving forward. From employee enrollment to terminations, and employee changes to answering questions – we take care of everything at no cost to our clients.




Fully Insured

Group benefits help increase morale and long-term loyalty in a company. When employees feel like they are more than just a number and their employer appreciates them and has their back, they are more loyal to their company and its long-term goals.

Traditional insured group plans provide a tax efficient way to transfer risk for health and dental claims processing. Stable employer sponsored plans structured to our clients needs along with fixed premium allow for longevity of our benefit plans.



Lorem ipsum e pluribus anum.


A Private Health Services Plan (PHSP) allows an employer to provide tax-free benefits to employees to be used on medical expenses. Both an incorporated business with or without employees is able to sign up. Today, the term Private Health Services Plan (PHSP) is often referred to a Health Spending Account (HSA) or vice versa. The two terms are interchangeable.

A Private Health Services Plan (also known as a PHSP) is an alternative to traditional health insurance. Used by thousands of small business owners across Canada, a PHSP is a cost-effective way to provide health and dental benefits to employees. In simple terms, health and dental benefits offered through this plan are fully tax deductible to the business and received 100% tax free by the employees. There are no premiums, hidden fees, deductibles, copay, or complex policies.

For entrepreneurs and self employed professionals, this is an effective tool to cut your taxes and reduce your medical costs. The ability to write off health and dental expenses can create savings of more than 30% on medical and dental related expenses

For a company with many employees, a PHSP becomes a means for attracting and retaining talent due to its unique properties. All benefits within a PHSP are 100% tax free to employees.  The main attractions are cost control to the employer and flexibility for employees.

A PHSP will save you money in three ways:

  • Tax savings from deducting 100% of your medical costs
  • Reducing your costs by avoiding high premiums associated with traditional health insurance
  • The elimination of expensive deductibles

Administrative Services Only

ASO refers to an agreement that companies use when they fund their employee benefit plan but hire an outside vendor to administer it. For example, an organization may hire an insurance company to evaluate and process claims under its employee health plan while maintaining the responsibility of paying the claims itself. An ASO arrangement contrasts with a company that purchases health insurance for its employees from an external provider.


Cost Plus

Cost Plus is an arrangement to provide a facility for payment of legitimate expenses otherwise not covered by the insured benefit program. Cost Plus claims are also those expenses which exceed present policy limits or deductibles paid. Eligible claims are those that qualify as a medical or dental claim under the income tax act.


Health Spending Account

A Health Spending Account (also known as an HSA or HCSA) is an alternative to traditional health insurance. A Health Spending Account is a special account that is established to exclusively pay for health care services for you and your family members. It enables a small business to deduct 100% of the family health and dental expenses, and all benefits within the HSA are 100% tax free to employees. 

This provides a valuable opportunity to:

  • Reduce medical costs

  • Retain and attract new talent to your business
Funding Arrangements
  • Premium
  • Debit
  • Refund


Special Risks

Special risk insurance refers to an insurance policy that is non-traditional or unusual because the person or entity insured is more exposed to certain risks. These unusual risks might be attributed to the dangerous nature of the insured’s profession or industry.

Areas of special risk solutions we offer include:

  • Travel
  • International Students
  • Visitors to Canada
  • Temporary Foreign Workers
  • Volunteer Accident
    • Life
    • Disability
    • Health
  • Kidnap & Ransom


Group Pension

As nobody’s financial situation or retirement goals are quite the same, there really is no substitute for receiving personalized, custom advice sessions in relation to retirement plans. Such advice can really make the difference in making the best of your employees’ retirement strategies and ensuring that they stay on track. How do we do this? 

Here are our key steps:

  • Draw up the initial Retirement Strategy.
  • Conduct a Robust and Costed Benchmark exercise, making comparisons to other plan providers.
  • Draw up a detailed Plan Management program to make sure that sponsors are abreast of changes and are compliant with key regulations.
  • Create a custom Plan Member Education program to offer your employees all of the information that they need to manage their plans at their fingertips.
  • Offer a wealth of different Educational Tools, Including On-Site Briefings and much more.
Trust us to manage your retirement plans.
The reason why so many organizations turn to us to simplify and improve their retirement plan offering is due, in part, to the successful relationships that we built with our clients, taking away the administrative burden of retirement planning and offering simple yet effective solutions that suit their business needs perfectly.


Retiree Benefits

Health & Dental Insurance under a retiree benefit was designed specifically for anyone over 50. They offer affordable coverage, to take care of an unexpected illness or injury, or to help with medical expenses for an ongoing chronic condition.

Once enrolled, you will have access to valuable benefits at a reasonable cost, including coverage for prescription drugs, medical supplies, paramedical services and vision care. In addition, optional Annual Travel Insurance can be added at minimal additional cost. Both you and your spouse can enroll and, provided premium is paid, you can continue coverage for life.

wealth management

Registered Accounts

Non-Registered Investments are taxable accounts available to Canadians. As the name suggests, it is not registered with the Canadian Federal Government. Non-Registered Accounts are flexible, and have no contribution limits.

There are also tax sheltered strategies available that allow an investor to defer most or all financial gains made in any given year. Gains earned are redistributed back into the investment account.


A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a retirement savings and investing vehicle for employees and the self-employed in Canada. After-tax dollars are placed into an RRSP and grows as a tax-deferral until withdrawal.

RRSP’s have quite a few benefits, however there are two main advantages. First, individuals may deduct contributions against their income. For example, if a contributor’s marginal tax rate is 40%, every $100 they invest in an RRSP will save that person $40 in taxes, up to their contribution limit. Second, the growth of RRSP investments is tax-deferred. Unlike non-RRSP investments, returns are exempt from any capital gains tax, dividend tax, or interest earned income. This means that investments under RRSPs compound on tax deferred basis.


A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), sponsored by the Canadian government, encourages investing in a child’s future post-secondary education. Subscribers to an RESP make contributions that build up tax-free earnings. The government contributes a certain amount to these plans for children under age 18.

Contributors do not receive a tax deduction for investments in an RESP. There are no taxes due until funds are taken out to pay for a child’s education. At that time, contributions made into the RESP are returned tax-free, although contributors’ earnings from the plan are taxed. The money the government pays out is taxed to the students, however since a large number of students have little to no income, many can withdraw the money tax-free.


A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is an account in which contributions, interest earned, dividends, and capital gains are not taxed, and can be withdrawn tax-free. While it’s called a savings account, a TFSA can hold certain investments including mutual funds, as well as cash. This account is available to individuals ages 18 and older in Canada and can be used for any purpose.

The benefit of holding an investment within a TSFA is that you won’t be taxed on any income the investment earns. 


A Deferred Profit-Sharing Plan (DPSP) is an employer-sponsored Canadian profit-sharing plan that is registered with the Canadian Revenue Agency, which is basically the Canadian version of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States.

Employees who participate in a Deferred Profit-Sharing Plan see their contributions grow tax-free, which can lead to bigger investment gains over time, due to the compounding effect. They can access the funds prior to retirement; funds may be withdrawn partly or in their entirety within the first two years of membership. Taxes are then paid upon withdrawal.


The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) bears some similarity to the RESP, but also shares some characteristics of the RRSP. This is a long-term savings instrument intended to provide a degree of financial independence for disabled Canadians. 

A key benefit of the RDSP is that accumulation within the fund and withdrawals from the plan generally do not interfere with provincial disability supports. All of the growth from deposits made into the account and distribution given from grants are tax deferred until withdrawn. 


A Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) is a retirement fund similar to an annuity contract, which pays out income to one or more beneficiaries. Often, owners of Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) roll over the balance from those plans into an RRIF in order to fund a retirement income stream. RRIF accounts are flexible and should be considered when discussing estate and financial planning concepts.

It is important to note that just like RRSP’s investment growth in a RRIF are tax deferred.


A Locked-In Retirement Account (LIRA) is a type of registered pension fund in Canada that does not permit withdrawals before retirement except in exceptional circumstances. The Locked-In Retirement Account is designed to hold pension funds for a former plan member, an ex-spouse, or a surviving spouse.

It is also important to note that investment growth in a LIRA is not taxed.

wealth management

Non-Registered Accounts

Non-Registered Investments are taxable accounts available to Canadians. As the name suggests, it is not registered with the Canadian Federal Government. Non-Registered Accounts are flexible, and have no contribution limits.

There are also tax sheltered strategies available that allow an investor to defer most or all financial gains made in any given year. Gains earned are redistributed back into the investment account.

Risk Management

Life Insurance

Life Insurance can protect the financial security of the people you love by giving them a tax-free payment after you die. The amount and type of coverage you choose will depend on your circumstances and needs. The cost of life insurance you buy as an individual depends on your age, gender, health, medical history and lifestyle.

Risk Management

Buy/Sell Insurance Agreement

If a Buy Sell Agreement calls for the surviving partners, shareholders or co-owners to purchase the deceased owner’s interests, they can fund the purchase with life insurance. Quite simply, the tax-free death benefit paid from the policy can be used for this purpose.

Risk Management

Key Person Insurance

Key Person Insurance is a life insurance policy that a company purchases on a key executive’s life. The company is the beneficiary of the plan and pays the insurance policy premiums.

Risk Management

Corporate Ownership of Life Insurance

Life Insurance has long been used as a financial and Estate Planning tool for business owners. Whether it’s to help cover a tax liability at death, to ensure adequate funding for a Shareholder’s Agreement, or to put a Capitalization Program in place for a shareholder’s policy, a Life Insurance Policy will often be purchased by a Corporation or a Group of Corporations, or even a Trust.

One advantage of Corporate-Owned Life Insurance is that the premiums are paid with corporate after-tax dollars, which are taxed at a much lower tax rate than the individual shareholder’s personal tax rate. 

Risk Management

Health Insurance

Health Insurance is personal insurance coverage that protects your savings from the many healthcare costs not covered by government plans.  There are 4 different types of Health Insurance products that provide the protection you need at each stage in life.

Critical Illness

Critical Illness Insurance can give you a tax-free payment if you’re diagnosed with a serious condition. Your contract will define which conditions you’re covered for, but some examples include cancer, heart attack, or stroke. 


Disability Insurance works when you can’t. It can give you tax-free monthly income to help pay expenses if an illness or accident stops you from working.

Long Term Care

Long term care insurance can provide coverage if you become unable to care for yourself and need assistance to manage daily living activities. Long term care isn’t just for seniors. You may become unable to care for yourself for 90 days or more at any point in your life. Long term care insurance can cover some of the costs of a care facility or a caregiver in your own home following an accident or illness. Many long term care facilities and home-care services receive public funding. However, most also charge co-payments or extra fees for additional services that aren’t provided under the long term plan.

To qualify for benefits, most plans state you must be incapable of performing two or more activities of daily living by yourself, such as bathing, dressing or eating. To receive benefits, you have two options: 

  • be reimbursed for eligible expenses that you may have on a given date, up to a pre-determined maximum 
  • receive pre-determined monthly payments

You’ll typically have to wait 30 to 90 days after becoming disabled before you get benefits. Some additional conditions and restrictions may apply.


Permanent Health Insurance

Permanent health insurance (most commonly referred to as PHI) is a form of insurance that is usually taken out by an employer to provide benefits to employees if they become incapacitated and unable to work due to long-term sickness. The benefit commonly takes the form of a payment from the insurer, via the employer, to the employee. This comprises a percentage of their gross salary, which is usually between 50%-70%, depending on the provider. Benefits remain payable to an employee if they remain unable to work, potentially until the employee’s retirement age. Issues may arise where an insurer or employer want to end provision of the benefit

Ready to get started?

Our team of experts are ready to create your financial blueprint and secure your financial future, today.